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Whitestone Settlements – Relieve Financial Stress that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis by selling your life insurance policy for cash.


The Know Guide - Resources and organizations that can assist you.

Cindy's Legacy - This organization was launched to provide financial and personal administrative support to cancer fighters and their families.

Fifth Season Financial - Loans for people living with advanced cancer.


Compass to Care, The Mike & Sandy Ernsdorff Childhood Cancer Foundation - Offers families of children with cancer assistance with scheduling and arranging travel arrangements to ensure the children get the best possible care.


Cancer Foundation - An online support community of patients, family and friends.


American Brain Tumor Association - For comprehensive information and support for brain tumor patients, families, and caregivers.


The Musella Foundation For Brain Tumor Research And Information - A mission to help brain tumor patients through emotional support, financial support, education, advocacy, and research.


National Brain Tumor Society - A mission to find a cure and improve the quality of life for those affected by brain tumors.


Cancer Nutrition - A website dedicated to the nutrition for the diagnosis of cancer.

Imerman Angels – One on One Cancer Support. Imerman Angels matches fighters, caregivers, and family members with someone who has fought and survived the same type of cancer.


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